Raft Cody Wyo with Wyoming River Trips in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem near Cody Wyoming.

Jess Ogozaly

Raft Cody Wyoming with Jess! She’s an amazing guide and will wow you with her I-can’t-believe-it’s-vegan riverside meals!

Jess was voted rookie of the year her first year of guiding (2019 in California) and s known for her ability to keep the WRT crew organized while keeping things fun. She is calm under pressure and well-versed in outdoor activities with excellent risk management skills. Ask her about being an aerial coach, EMT’ing, her pets, plants, future career plans, vegan food or favorite jokes.  Jess’s two recommended trips are: Ethnobotany and Custom Trips.

We are so thrilled to have Jess helping set an example at WRT and can’t wait for you to meet her too!⁠

Venmo: Jess Ogozaly!